If you’re a deferred member and you’re aged between 55 and 75 years old and yet to claim your benefits, you can now retire online up to three months in advance. Retiring online has never been easier. You can process your retirement yourself, without having to submit any paper forms.
Please note - The Government has announced the earliest age that you can take your pension will increase from age 55 to 57 from 6 April 2028.
First Login or Register for
Retire in 6 steps
Retirement Options
You will be asked to enter your chosen retirement date. Please note you do have the opportunity to view figures for more than one retirement date before confirming you want to proceed. In addition, throughout the process you will have the opportunity to give up pension in exchange for a tax-free lump sum. Use the lump sum calculator to see how your pension is affected if you swap some of it for a
lump sum.
If you pay AVCs use the
maximum AVC lump sum calculator
to estimate the maximum AVC you could take as a lump sum when you take your LGPS pension
Other Pension Benefits
Do you have other pension benefits? In this section you will need to include other benefits that become payable on or before your LGPS retirement date. Do not include your State Pension, Survivor Benefits or Pension Credits.
Health Scheme Contributions
If you are a member of Westfield Health and you wish to continue, you can enter details in this section
Bank Details
Details of the Bank or Building Society for payment of your benefits
Make sure you have our bank details to hand. Payments Abroad - If you want to have your benefits paid abroad please select the
Change of Bank Overseas page where you can download and complete the relevant Form in order to have these details ready to proceed with your claim online.
Final Declaration
We cannot process your benefits without completing the declaration section.
Documents Required
One final step then you’ll be good to go
• Your Birth Certificate or passport
If you are married or in a civil partnership:
• Your Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate
• Your Spouse/Partner’s Birth Certificate or passport
If you are Divorced/your Civil Partnership has been dissolved:
• Your Decree Absolute/Final Order
If you are a Widow(er)/Surviving Partner:
• Your Spouse/Partner’s Death Certificate
Taking all your pension benefits as a lump sum
If your LGPS monthly pension is small, you may be able to take all your benefits as a one-off lump sum payment. This is known as a trivial commutation. If we think you fit the criteria for a trivial commutation we will supply the lump sum figure, if you indicate you are interested in this option.
What is Trivial Commutation?
A trivial commutation is where your pension benefits are paid as a single payment instead of a monthly pension. Trivial commutations extinguish your rights in the pension scheme and those of any dependants; this means that after a trivial commutation is paid, no further benefits would be due to you or any dependants at any point in the future.
The rules governing whether you can take a trivial commutation are quite complex and depend on whether you want to take a trivial commutation from more than one pension scheme or from the LGPS only.
Trivial commutation from more than one pension scheme
If the total value of your benefits is less than £30,000* and your benefits are in more than one scheme (for example, LGPS and non-LGPS but not including state pension) you may be able to take a trivial commutation payment. Generally, you must be:
• Age 55 or over, or if you have scheme membership before 6 April 1997, age 60 for a female or age 65 for a male; and
• You have not received payment of a previous trivial commutation lump sum. If so, it has been paid within the last 12 months.
• If you have an ongoing pensionable employment, trivial commutation is not an option.
Trivial commutation from the LGPS only
If the total value of your pension benefits in the LGPS is less than £10,000* you may be able to take a one-off payment. If you choose to take a trivial payment, it's important to note that:
• You must have left the scheme after 31 March 2008.
• You must be age 55 or over, or if you have scheme membership before 6 April 1997, age 60 for a female or age 65 for a male; and
• The value of your LGPS benefits must include any benefits you have in other LGPS funds in England and Wales.
• You have not transferred any benefits out of the LGPS in the last 3 years; and
• If you left the pension scheme before 1 April 2014, you must not have received a transfer into the scheme during the 5 years preceding the date of the commutation payment; and
• You are not a "Controlling Director" of any employer in the LGPS.
It’s important to note that 75% of a trivial commutation lump sum payment is subject to tax. If you believe you meet the conditions listed and might wish to receive a Trivial Commutation Lump Sum, as an alternative to a monthly pension please contact us at
customerservices@sypa.org.uk *Please note: The capital value is the value of your pension benefits and not the annual amount of pension payable. To test against the £10,000 and £30,000 limit, pensions being paid are valued at 20 times the annual pension income. For example, a pension of £750 a year would be valued at £15,000 (20 x £750). If you received a tax-free lump sum when the pension commenced, the amount of the lump sum is added to this value. If you started receiving your pension before 6 April 2006, these are normally valued at 25 times the annual pension income as it was on 5 April 2006, and you do not need to add on any previous lump sums.
Where can I find more information?
You can find more information in our
Retirement Benefits booklet
Is there anything that may affect my benefits?
If you’re planning to continue working for an employer who participates in the LGPS you may not be able to take your benefits. Please complete the Member Employment Section so we can see whether this is possible for you. If your election is received more than 3 months after the payment date of your benefits will be the date we actually receive your election, we will not backdate any payment.
I still have questions. Can you help?
If you have any queries, please give us a call on 0300 303 6160 or email us at customerservices@sypa.org.uk If we are unable to resolve your queries via phone or email, you can also arrange an
appointment with a member of our team.
I need help deciding, who can I contact?
We understand pensions can be complicated and we want to help you the best we can, we cannot offer you any advice or decide for you. If you need help deciding, we recommend that you get
financial advice from a registered independent financial advisor suitably qualified to assist in decisions about pensions. SYPA accepts no responsibility for the service and/or advice that Independent Advisors might provide.