Corporate Plans and Policies

All about our corporate plans and policies...

Our corporate plans and policies

Like any well run organisation there are a number of things we need to do, or our objectives, which will help us to achieve our overall mission. These are.

Customer Focus

to design our services around the needs of our customers (whether scheme members or employers).

Listening to our stakeholders

to ensure that stakeholders’ views are heard within our decision making processes.

Investment Returns

to maintain an investment strategy which delivers the best financial return, commensurate with appropriate levels of risk, to ensure that the Fund can meet both its immediate and long term liabilities.

Responsible Investment

to develop our investment options within the context of a sustainable and responsible investment strategy.

Scheme Funding

to maintain a position of full funding (for the fund as a whole) combined with stable and affordable employer contributions on an ongoing basis.

Effective and Transparent Governance

to uphold effective governance showing prudence and propriety at all times.

Valuing and engaging our Employees

to ensure that all our employees are able to develop a career with SYPA and are actively engaged in improving our services.

The things we are going to do to achieve these objectives are set out in various plans and policies which form what is called the Corporate Planning Framework and this diagram shows how it works, and if you click on the circle you will be able to see the latest version of each document

corporate plan Corporate Strategy Equality Diversity Scheme HR Strategy ICT Strategy Medium Term Financial Strategy Treasury Management Strategy

The Corporate Strategy is the core 3 year plan setting out specific tasks to be delivered and is reviewed annually.

The Medium Term Financial Strategy sets out our financial forecasts for the coming three years and is reviewed annually

The People Strategy sets out how we will recruit retain and develop the workforce we need and is reviewed every three years.

The ICT Strategy sets out how we are going to develop our use of ICT over the medium term and is reviewed every three years

The Treasury Management Strategy sets out the policy framework for managing the Authority’s cash balances and is reviewed annually.

Our Corporate Planning Cycle is three years and in the year of each actuarial valuation we undertake a first principles review of the whole framework.

We produce Quarterly Corporate Performance Reports on how well we have performed in delivering the various aspects of the Corporate Planning Framework.

Corporate Performance Reports Each quarter we produce a Corporate Performance Report which sets out how we well we are doing in delivering the Corporate Strategy and updating our Corporate Risk Register. These reports are available here.

Corporate Plans and Policies

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    File Date Size  
Corporate Strategy 2025 - 2028 18/02/2025 569 K DOWNLOAD
DEI Scheme 2025-2028 18/02/2025 397 K DOWNLOAD
ICT Strategy 2025 - 2028 18/02/2025 342 K DOWNLOAD
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025 - 2028 18/02/2025 647 K DOWNLOAD
People Strategy 2025 - 2028 18/02/2025 395 K DOWNLOAD
Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26 18/02/2025 240 K DOWNLOAD
Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2027 14/02/2024 684 K DOWNLOAD
Treasury Management Strategy 2022 to 2024 08/03/2023 224 K DOWNLOAD
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023 to 2026 08/03/2023 994 K DOWNLOAD
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South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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