Who we are
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Freedom of Information Our Customer Charter Pensions Policies Selling to us
How we are governed
Pensions Authority
Local Pension Board
Working for us
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Responsible Investment
Employer Support
Employer Services
Employer Sites
ill Health
We understand that when a loved one dies it is very distressing and there is always lots to do, however it is very important that you notify us as soon as possible when a scheme member or someone receiving a pension from us dies. This can help us determine if any dependants’ benefits are payable, ensure any death grants are paid correctly and prevent any pension overpayment. If an overpayment of pension occurs, we will need to ask the next of kin or the estate to pay it back.
• inform us of the death by completing the form below
• contact our Customer Services Team on 0300 303 6160 (Mon-Fri 9.30am – 4.30pm).
Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go. A registrar will explain the Tell Us Once service when you register the death. In most cases, if you have used the Tell Us Once service to report a death, this service provides the necessary information and documentation we need.